Visit Silver Leaf Dentistry for a Gorgeous Smile
One of our goals in our office is to provide a dental cleaning on the very first visit. Some offices don’t do this, but I feel like in patients’ busy schedules, it’s hard enough for them just to make it here, and we make it a priority on the very first visit when we meet our patients for the first time, to accomplish a full series of X-rays, a full dental examination, as well as that cleaning.
What you can expect is to have a warm welcome when you come to the office and for one of our hygienists to start taking those images and start discussing what’s going on in your mouth. You’ll have an idea even before I come to see you about maybe what’s going on in there. Then, during the examination, it’s more like a conversation. I’m not there to twist arms. My style of dentistry is one where I like to empower my patient. I want them to see what’s going on, have a clear vision of the problem, help develop their own goals, and I’ll be there to guide toward the option that works best for you.
After the first visit, you’re going to leave having a clear understanding about what’s going on, the ways that we can fix it, what it’s going to cost, and we’ll help cater in a way that works for you, that fits into your budget and your schedule.